• Image of "Dopo La Quiete" (Cd) + "Island" (Dvd)

"Dopo La Quiete":

Recorded at Sonusville (Siliqua, Sardegna) by William Cuccu.
Mixed by Enrico Sesselego & William Cuccu at Sonusville.
Mastering by Claudio Gruer, Pisi Studio (Rome, March '12)

Streaming: thankuforsmoking.bandcamp.com

"Island” is a collaboration between TUFS and the independent Videofactory “Quadratino Pericoloso”: the images captured in Iceland in the 2008 by Quadratino Pericoloso with the instrumental music of the band created something strange, unique. The DVD has been recorded in the Municipal Theatre of Serramanna (Sardinia) in February 2012. In the dvd there are two versions of "Island" (a "studio" version and a "live version"), both lasts 30 minutes.
The dvd lasts 60 minutes.

Release date: 15.04.12
Cd+Dvd = 1h45min.

Artwork: Nicola Olla / www.blacktoothcollective.com